About Pet Hospice Providers
About the Organization
Pet Hospice Providers was founded to help connect families with compassionate veterinary care for pets with a terminal, chronic, or life-limiting disease by Dr. Christina Lehner, DVM, CVA, CHPV & Nate Lehner, an accomplished videographer.
Veterinary hospice and palliative care is focused on improving quality of life and comfort for pets & addressing a pet’s needs in their entirety. Pet parents and caregivers are also supported through veterinary hospice and palliative care. The goal of Pet Hospice Providers is to raise awareness of veterinary hospice and palliative care options for pets and families, as well as connect pet parents directly with experienced veterinary hospice & palliative care providers
Photo courtesy of Tara Lee Photography with Tara’s pet photography tips
Many of our member veterinarians are also members of the International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC) and are certified in veterinary hospice and palliative care. The IAAHPC promotes comfort care that addresses the physical, psychological, and social needs of animals with chronic and/or life-limiting diseases. “We promote physical, emotional, and spiritual support for caregivers. We also educate professionals and advance research in the field of animal hospice and palliative care.” IAAHPC
Pet Hospice Providers is proud to support IAAHPC
Dr. Christina Lehner and Nate Lehner with “Danielson” and “Mr. Miagi”
“Know that you are never alone during this difficult time.”